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    physical education 結果共9筆

  • Olympic medalist, actor become faces of National Sports Day

    Discover how Olympic boxer Chen Nien-chin and actor Hsieh Kun-da are promoting exercise as ambassadors for Taiwan’s 2024 National Sports Day. Learn about free access to sports facilities and fitness events across the country in September.
    2024/08/20 17:10
  • Olympic athletes join Taiwan’s sports policy advisory group

    Discover how Taiwan is enhancing its sports development and athlete welfare by involving national athletes like Kuo Hsing-Chun and Lee Yang in advisory roles. Learn about the new initiatives for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.
    2024/08/15 17:04
  • NTNU backs Tang Chia-hung in career and studies

    National Taiwan Normal University supports Olympic bronze medalist Tang Chia-hung in his academic and professional journey, highlighting his comeback from injury and potential future as a mentor.
    2024/08/06 16:58
  • Taiwan begins mental health days for high school students

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Education is prioritizing student well-being by introducing "mental and physical adjustment leave" in high schools, aiming to support mental health.
    2024/07/03 10:01
  • Advancing mental health care: Taiwan’s new policy directions

    President-elect Lai Ching-te’s mental health proposals have gained recognition from the medical community in Taiwan. The Taiwan Health Movement Alliance praises Lai’s initiatives, such as the "Mental Health Plan for Young People" and "Mental Health Leave," emphasizing the importance of mental health support and early intervention. Experts recommend adopting treatment guidelines from Europe and America, focusing on psychological interventions over medication. They also suggest establishing child and adolescent psychiatry centers and promoting integrated treatment models. Lai’s advocacy for physical and mental health, along with stress management education, is seen as crucial for building a healthy Taiwan.
    2024/04/01 18:25
  • Ko Wen-je vows to bring 2038 Asian Games, Olympics to Taiwan

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je vows to promote international sports events, including the 2038 Asian Games and the Olympics, if elected. He recognizes the connection between sports and national power and highlights Taiwan’s top athletes. Ko also proposes career planning guidance and specific examinations for sports personnel, as well as the establishment of a National Sports Development Fund and revision of the Sports Industry Development Act. He plans to increase the budget for the national training center, improve support teams, and promote physical fitness nationwide. Ko aims to develop e-sports and align it with global standards, while advocating for education reforms and cultivating high-tech talents.
    2023/12/26 16:46
  • Ed. Bureau Director visits victim of campus knife attack

    The director of the New Taipei City Education Bureau, Chang Ming-wen, changed his plans to visit a middle school student at the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital after the student was attacked on campus. The student, from a junior high school in Tucheng District, is in intensive care with serious injuries from a throat-slashing incident. The attack occurred when a male student confronted a female student during lunchtime, leading to verbal and physical assault. The male student used a folding knife to inflict multiple wounds on the victim, causing severe blood loss and cardiac arrest. The school principal stated that the altercation stemmed from discontentment with noise during lunch break. Police are investigating whether there were previous tensions between the students involved. The Education Bureau has prioritized the victim’s recovery and provided full medical assistance, as well as support to the family. Supervisors, social workers, and psychologists were dispatched to the school for assistance, and preliminary counseling has been offered to the students involved. The bureau has also called for increased attention to the affected students and enhanced campus security to ensure their physical and psychological safety.
    2023/12/26 10:36
  • Taichung to host Migrants Day Fest at Science Museum

    A multicultural festival celebrating "Migrants Day" will take place at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung City on December 10. The festival will feature performances, cultural experiences, and a prize drawing event. In an effort to educate immigrants about marriage management, rights in Taiwan, and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the National Immigration Agency’s Central Administration Corps organized a family education and legal advocacy event in Taichung on December 6. The event used creative presentations to help diverse couples recognize signs of physical and psychological abuse, stalking, and harassment. Hsieh Liang, chair of the Union of New Immigrants of Taichung City, served as a marriage educator, teaching communication skills and advising against tolerance for violence. Sung Hsin-hui, a violence prevention planner from the Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, introduced the Domestic Violence Prevention Act and the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act, as well as reporting procedures and shared case studies. The event provided valuable insights for A Chun, an immigrant from Japan, who gained a correct understanding of family violence and expressed relief that Taiwan’s legal system offers protection to victims. With Taiwan’s immigrant population growing, the NIA aims to foster unity among all ethnic groups and create a welcoming environment for new residents, promoting cultural integration.
    2023/12/07 17:42
  • Bahwan Tribe demands NTU return ancestral remains

    The Bahwan Tribe of Taiwan’s Bunun people are demanding that National Taiwan University (NTU) return ancestral remains taken without permission from a Bahwan public cemetery 63 years ago. NTU has been accused of shirking its historical responsibilities, leading to disagreements with the tribe. The issue dates back to the 1960s when the NTU College of Medicine Physical Anthropology Research Team took remains from the Bahwan Tribe’s cemetery, ’Lilieq,’ for academic research. The ’Return Bahwan Bunun Ancestors’ Remains Committee’ has approached the Executive Yuan, urging the government and NTU to return the remains and cease depriving indigenous people. NTU claims to have 43 boxes of the remains stored in its research room and has been participating in discussions with the government and legislature since the tribe’s request in 2017. However, indigenous legislator candidate Savungaz Valincinan expressed disappointment with NTU’s lack of effort to establish a relationship with the tribe and refusal to cover transportation and accommodation costs for their trips to Taipei. NTU has recently expressed willingness to return the remains, erect a memorial, honor the deceased as "Great Body Teachers," and provide medical, educational, and sanitary services to the tribe. However, as a public school, NTU argues that it cannot establish a foundation or provide compensation of NT$1.49 billion, citing Ministry of Education regulations. This issue has sparked discussion in Taiwan about addressing historical wounds and the journey toward transitional justice for indigenous tribes, who constitute 2.5% of the population and have historically faced exploitation and discrimination.
    2023/11/19 16:15
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